Saturday 9 June 2012

The Garden Patch

This year the Saskatoon Food Bank asked businesses/organizations to help with the Garden Patch -- a big vacant piece of land on 2nd Avenue on which they've grown lots and lots of food for their clients the past few years. Given my association with the Food Bank via the Food Basket Challenge last year, I was contacted to see if the Saskatoon Police Service would be interested in being involved.

Yikes! I do NOT have a green thumb! It's all I can do to keep a couple hardy house plants alive. Even my dear sweet mother-in-law (God rest her soul) gave me a little plant sign that says "Grow Damn It!"

Hoping for the best, I sent out an email "Calling All SPS Green Thumbs!" and the call was answered. Team "Arrested Development" was born.

Lots of hands make quick work and last Tuesday night we got our little plot of garden planted. It was a lot of fun with awesome co-workers and family members. My first lesson -- how to plant seeds. In a couple weeks my second lesson -- how to tell weeds from the real thing!

Here's a link to my blog post from last year re: the Food Basket Challenge. 

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