Saturday, 25 December 2021

Christmas Day Along the Songhees Walkway

Andrew and I went for a Christmas Day walk along the Songhees walkway. It's amazing how much you see when you meander and have camera in hand. 

From a very cooperative hummingbird to a hidden heron, to roses and seaweed. We also saw a harbour seal and an otter but they were too quick for us today!  :-)   

Sunday, 19 December 2021

E&N Rail Trail and Gorge Park

I have definitely not been keeping up with blog posts. This is from a bike ride a couple weeks ago. I did a loop from our place, along the E&N Rail Trail, a stop at Portage Park and Thetis Cove, and then back along the Gorge walkway. The walkway doesn't fully follow the Gorge waterway so it was interesting discovering what was at all the dead ends as I tried to stay as close to the water as possible.  :-) 

Along the E&N Rail Trail

Thetis Cove from Portage Park

Thetis Cove from Portage Park

Along the Gorge walkway


Thursday, 2 December 2021

Pkols (Mt. Douglas) Hike

Since there was no rain in the forecast this afternoon, Andrew and I decided to take a quick hike up Pkols (aka Mt. Douglas). And by "quick," I mean less than an hour up and down, including a couple stops for scenic views along the way and at the top. Beautiful! 

"Located in Wsanec Territory and on the border of Lexwugen Territory, this has been, and remains, an important meeting place for many nations. The reclamation of Pkols, to replace the colonial name Mount Douglas, recognizes the nation-to-nation agreements negotiated here and supports ongoing efforts of Indigenous and settler people to restore balanced relationship to the lands they call home."