Tuesday 1 November 2022

Videos from Loreto

While we were in Loreto or on the road home, I posted a few short videos on Facebook and Instagram. I've now done one more and am posting them all here in one spot for my future reference. All of these are very short, from just a few seconds to a minute. I recommend watching full screen and in HD for best viewing.

On our very first day of scuba diving, not more than five minutes from the marina, we came upon a pod of dolphins. We weren't around them for long and, between that and a bumpy ride, this was the best 6 seconds of video I got! 

We also saw several mobile rays jumping out of the water but they are so fleeting (and usually so far away) that I didn't get any video. 

We went to the sea lion dive site on Coronado Island on the first day but since we hadn't dived in so long (more than two years!) neither of us took underwater cameras so we could concentrate on just diving and getting used to things again. 

Thankfully, we went back a couple days later and the sea lions were quite cooperative! 

I had this idea for a "selfie" as I was entering the water. I call this video "Splash!" It wasn't until after our last dive of the trip that I thought I should have got some of Andrew going over the side so people not familiar with diving could actually see what is happening and how we get into the water. Ah well. Next time! 

The fish seemed to be plentiful this trip. We wondered if it was because there was no fishing for about six months during the height of Covid. Or maybe I'm just not remembering what it was like before. Either way, we were pleasantly surprised! 

One day on our way to Danzante Island, which is one of the furthest ones away, we encountered two Bryde's whales (a momma and baby). They were very playful and hung around our boat for about half an hour before we moved on. We were quite happy to give up some dive time for this as it's a very rare experience. Even our guides and boat captain were excited! (Video by me, photos by Andrew.) 

We always enjoy watching the pelicans and other birds around the marina diving for fish. However, they're almost impossible to catch on video or photo. Here are just a few of my many failed attempts and the one successful one. 

And the last one . . . a compilation of a few other underwater creatures I managed to get somewhat decently on video. 

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