Tuesday 8 October 2024

"Up Island" - Part 1

A couple weekends ago, we headed "up island" and spent a couple days at Campbell River, Comox and Courtney. 

We packed a lunch on the way there and stopped to eat at Kye Bay Beach in Courtney. Andrew's sister, Clare, had been there recently and highly recommended it. The tide was out so we saw lots of shells as we wandered on the beach after lunch. 

We always love visiting aquariums and the Discovery Passage Aquarium in Campbell River featured local marine life and included touch pools. An enthusiastic and attentive employee was great at answering any quesitons. Marine species are collected in the spring and release them again in the fall as the aquarium closes during the winter. 

This mural in Campbell River is gorgeous!! 

We stayed at Painter's Lodge which was very nice had beautiful views over the water. 

On our first full day, we went for a couple short hikes in Elk Falls Provincial Park. 

I was happy to have my bear spray with me! There was lots of scat on the trail. 

I didn't carry my big camera on this hike and, considering the distance away, I thought my iPhone did a pretty good job on this photo of a turkey vulture. Of course, Andrew did bring his big camera and got much better photos! 

Lunch with a view at Buttle Lake in Strathcona Provincial Park.

Unfortunately, the short hike into Elk Falls was through a construction zone but the falls themselves were impressive! 

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