Sunday 29 July 2018

The Pirate Ship

We had an excellent day on the South Sask today! Andrew, Gretchen and Karsten (my nephew, his wife and their son) had set off from Outlook on Friday and timed their return for a family breakfast at the Berry Barn.

Andrew (my husband, not my nephew) and I haven't been avid kayakers this summer so we didn't join them for the whole trip but paddling back into the city from the Berry Barn was manageable. And with other family in attendance, we didn't have to worry about vehicle shuttles. (Thanks Bev & Al!)

A, G & K have a pirate flag on their canoe and could often hear people say, "Hey, they've got a pirate flag!" It seemed like a fun conversation starter.

Captain and crew of the Pirate Ship
Family breakfast at the Berry Barn. Waffles . . . . Mmmmmm . . . . 
Setting off. The Berry Barn is a popular spot for starting or ending a paddling trip.
The Pirate Ship crew
The Captain of the Pirate Ship
Bald Eagle
Watching the Bald Eagle
Taking a break
Approaching the big city
Yay! We made it!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic day together! One of our very favorite things to do.
