Monday 10 June 2024

Road Trip June 2024 - Victoria to Montana

We're on another road trip to Wyoming! As we were waiting to leave Victoria on the Coho, we caught the last minute or so of the water taxi ballet -- I've always said I should go and watch it and this has inspired me to do so when we get home. 

The first couple days, driving down the coast of Washington, it rained pretty much the whole time. It let up as we moved east through Idaho. We followed the Lochsa River through the Clearwater and Bitterroot National Forests and camped at a riverside campground.  So beautiful this time of year, especially with the remnants of clouds hovering over the trees in the evening. 

We also stopped to camp at Holter Lake (near Helena) as there's a small hill to paraglide from but the wind was strong and in the wrong direction so we kept going. 

We always love staying at the historic Sacajawea Hotel in Three Forks, Montana. So much history and the decor is stunning. Good food at the restaurant as well! 

This statue of Sacajawea and her baby is across the street from the hotel.

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