Tuesday 11 June 2024

Road Trip June 2024 - Wildlife in Sheridan

We had a rain day after a few good days of sunshine and Andrew being able to paraglide so we drove to Sheridan to spend a night, get cleaned up, and stock up on fresh groceries. 

It turned into an amazing day of wildlife viewing! These two moose were right along the side of the road. 

Then (not wildlife related but interesting) we found lots of snow left in the high country. 

And miles and miles of very slow driving with hazard lights on due to the thick fog. 

After lunch in Sheridan, we went for a walk along the creek and then to a park with a large fishing pond. In the creek, Andrew spotted a mink swimming along with a catfish in its mouth (and got a good photo of this!). It then hid under these rocks to eat it but kept popping his head out to have a look at us. 

Around the fishing pond we found several turtles, a couple frogs, and some red-winged blackbirds. 

On the way back we crossed under a bridge and found these swallow nests with babies in them and the parents flying back and forth with food. 


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