It's always interesting to see just a small part of how life is lived other parts of the world, even when it's really not all that much different than our own.
Early morning paddle boarding and fishing.
I don't think fall protection and safety requirements are quite the same in Mexico!
Traffic control, early morning and mid-afternoon, in front of the elementary school while parents drop off and pick up their children.
Kayak lessons.
Our favourite bartender, Emmanuel, at La Mision Hotel. It was the air conditioning and the great view above the malecon and out to the sea that got us in the door but it was Emmanuel who kept us coming back.
Real fruit popsicles at La Michoacana. We stopped here just a couple times. Ha! :-)
A live-aboard dive boat overnighting near Loreto.
The last three times we have been to Loreto, we've stayed at Villas del Santo NiƱo. Located on a quiet pedestrian street a half block from the malecon, a half block from the town square and 2 blocks from Dolphin Dive, it's the perfect location for us. The owners, Chatto and Oralia, are a lovely couple and have done a wonderful job of upkeep on their property. The beautiful mural below was completed the day we arrived.
There are three studio suites along the street (pictured above) and a two story house (pictured below) with a "villa" suite on each of the two levels. Chatto and Oralia's house is a third building behind this so they are always around if anything is required.
Divers walking out to the dock.
Rafael driving the boat over to the dock while the boat operator parks the truck and trailer.
This juvenile yellow-crowned night heron had a favourite spot near the dock and we saw him almost every day.
When not diving head first for fish (note the splash and feathers in the photo below) . . .

. . . the brown pelicans observed the rest of the action from the dock.
More residents of the marina area.
Frigate birds, gracefully soaring over the lighthouse.
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