What an amazing week of flying in Santa Barbara! Six days, six mountain flights . . . and a short sled ride each to Bates Beach.
Our first three days are highlighted in two previous blog posts,
here and
here. We then had return trips to Skyport, EJ Bowl and, the site of our very first mountain flight, VOR. We also tried to fly Pine Mountain (north of Ojai) but, unfortunately, it was blowing over the back.
A hang glider near "the round house" -- one of several distinctive landmarks when flying Skyport or EJ Bowl. |
Another distinctive landmark -- the antenna farm. The ridge that both these buildings are on is a great thermal generator! |
Paragliders and a jet. |
Hang gliders fly much faster than paraglider. As I was taking this photo, the hang glider seems to absolutely whiz between them! |
Andrew (centre of photo) making a perfect landing at the Parma LZ. |
A hang glider getting low near the beautiful neighbourhood around Parma Park. |
Andrew walking back to the car from the Parma LZ. |
A foggy day on the coast but clear skies at VOR. |
Andrew landing at VOR. Fog in the distance. |
L-R: Logan, Chad and Sarah approaching the "T" -- the landing area for VOR. |
Sarah, tell Chad to run faster and get out of your way! ;-) |
Looking out to Las Padres Forest from Pine Mountain launch. |
Ready to go! Waiting, hoping for the wind to cooperate. They didn't. :-( |
But the stick insect was pretty cool. |
As was this ring-necked snake. (The red ring around his neck is hard to see in these photos.) |
Thanks so much to all the pilots, friends new and old, who welcomed us to fly with them!
Santa Barbara Soaring Association
Fly Above All Paragliding (and Chris, our very first paragliding instructor!)
Eagle Paragliding
Let Fly Paragliding
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